Primary Applicant InformationApplications are responded to by text, email, or phone call. Please make sure to answer all questions accurately and completely.NameStreet AddressCityState/ProvinceZIP / Postal CodeHow long at this address?What amount do you pay in rent at your current residence?Reason for moving from where you currently live?PhoneEmail AddressWhich of our properties are you interested in?How many adults (18 years of age or older) will be residing in the property?How many children (under the age of 18) will be residing in the property? Please list the ages of each childWhat is the earliest you are able to move in if approved?What is the maximum monthly payment you can afford?How much of a down payment do you currently have available? (Only list funds you actually have immediately available)How is your credit?GoodFairPoorIf not good, what are the problems you know about?Date of BirthEmployment InformationEmployer's NameJob Title/PositionEmployer's AddressWork PhoneHow long at present job?Bring home monthly income (The amount of your paychecks after taxes)Additional Monthly Income AmountSource of other incomeDebtCredit CardAmount of Credit Card BalancesMonthly PaymentCar LoanCar Loan BalanceCar Loan Monthly PaymentOther Bills/expensesJoint Applicant (if any) InformationNameDate of BirthHow is your credit?GoodFairPoorIf not good, what are the problems you know about?Employer's NameJob Title/PositionEmployer's AddressWork PhoneHow long at current job?Bring home monthly income (The amount of your paychecks after taxes)Additional Monthly Income AmountSource of other incomeHow did you hear about us?Digital SignatureApplicant A *DateApplicant BDateSend Message